
Venturing into the Unknown

Venturing into the Unknown

Dear friend, The world often laughs at phrases like “follow your heart” or “listen to your inner wisdom” and to an extent I get it. It sounds a bit silly and esoteric. I suppose I would laugh along if I hadn’t experienced these heart nudges and inner knowings firsthand.  Maybe you’ve felt these heart nudges too? They often show up as if your whole body is saying yes; every cell in your body dancing with delight at the thought of…

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One Small Step At a Time…

One Small Step At a Time…

Dear Friend, Sometimes I like to scribble little poems in my journal. Here is a recent one. Please always remember~ You’ve got a purpose on your life.  Yes, YOU. Buried deep down. You do not need to look outside yourself to find this purpose, in fact you can’t.  You must look inward. There are tiny seeds of wisdom within you. The seeds have been patiently waiting to be watered.  Water them thru your stillness and your movement.  Water them by…

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Re-Defining Purpose & Greatness

Re-Defining Purpose & Greatness

Dear Friend, I used to be intimidated by words like purpose and greatness. These words equated to the pie in the sky idea of following my dreams and for most of my life didn’t think I had a purpose or a dream to follow. Sure, every so often I’d let myself imagine what could be possible, but deep down I thought following a dream or being “great” was for other people, not me.  Life has a funny way about it…

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Hearing Voices

Hearing Voices

Dear Friend, Several years ago I worked in the corporate world and would spend a lot of my life sitting in traffic.  I can remember one particular commute so clearly. I was on my way to work, car inching along the highway, a tight grip on the steering wheel, blank stare in my eyes, shoulders slouched over, and a pit in my stomach (which was common those days).  Amidst the talk radio show banter in the background a voice rose…

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It Starts With an Ache

It Starts With an Ache

Dear Friend, Hi! Welcome. This is my first letter so I thought I’d start by introducing myself and a tiny bit about my journey. I may not know you personally but if you’ve got an ache inside you – a feeling like there is something more you’re supposed to be doing, or something just feels off in your life, or you want to believe there is something more for you but don’t know how to figure out what that is;…

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