Learn Our Truth and then Be Our Truth

Learn Our Truth and then Be Our Truth

Dear friend,

Our job in life: learn our Truth and then be our Truth. (with a capital T)

Our Truth is who we are at our essence: the person we are before the world told us who we are supposed to be.
Our Truth is what we truly believe, value.
What we stand for and against. 
Who we love.
How we spend our time and earn our living.
How we dress.
How we find fulfillment, joy, calling.
And on and on…

Our Truth will tell us all of it. 

But often not in the way we imagine…

We can’t learn our Truth by looking outside ourselves to people, institutions, family, or culture.

Our Truth is found by connecting inside ourselves. Our Truth is wisdom that has lived inside us forever, waiting for us to dial in and listen.

We dial in by connecting inward and listening to what our quiet Truthful voice is telling us through nudges, hunches, and feelings.

Learning our Truth is a lifelong journey and we must come back to this conversation with our Truth often. 

As we learn our Truth, we must bravely be our Truth. 

No need for explaining ourselves to others who are uninterested in understanding. 

We simply let others observe us living our Truth.

In hopes, it will inspire them to live theirs.

To living our Truth together,

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